Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A crazy dancer friend is what we all need

Hello world!

Today, I've decided to start a regime. You know an experiment, a resolution, a habit whatever you call it, not so that people read and I become a famous star but just as a way to meditate and hope to bring a lot more of positivity in my life :)

Oh I didn't even tell what this is about. Silly me :P So, I am going to pen down a good thing in my life for 100 days from here on and let's see where this takes me, us. 

Today is the birthday of a special person, a friend, a soul mate, somebody I stay happy around, somebody who I think knows how to enjoy the present moment (much more than average people), a girl every Raj would love to spend his life with I think - Simran Rana

We became acquaintances, classmates, friends and best friends while studying as Young India Fellows and from then onwards Simran has been there whenever I have needed that ear to listen to my random thoughts, problems and what not. Her crazy dance moves will kill you! Someone around whom I can be my crazy self and whom I will always strive to keep in my life - my crazy crazy friend Simi <3

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