Thursday, February 9, 2017

Be grateful if people confide into you

Early post today!

I may have regrets and I may crib about things, but one thing I feel happy about is that people feel trust in confiding into me about their lives, their feelings.

I guess I may not achieve any big awards, I may not be a favorite at work, I may not have a BMW, etc but one thing I feel is the biggest accomplishment is the way I have been able to touch lives of people I have met.

I have a colleague at work. She is getting married and I was the first one to know about it! I felt honored. Even now, she shares her journey with me like I would do with a friend. Being a part of her excitement, her fears, her marriage journey makes me feel valuable. It makes me feel happy.

We all are part of such journeys in lives of other people but never pay heed to this honor we have of being a part of something. Express your gratitude to that person today :) 

Love doesn't always speak your language but it is love

Sometimes we keep on looking for something... perhaps, we want the things to speak the language we understand... something we want to listen and in this process we stop appreciating those things/people.. we keep on cribbing about the failings without paying any heed to the successes.. we sometimes look out for love while it's just around us.

I got 2 chocolates today and what else would one want right? :D Yeah, I may desire of some other way of expression but then I should understand that love just flows and I should also flow. :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

May Music Live

As I am getting fidgety day by day owing to mix of skin and seemingly hormonal problems, it's a relief to be able to listen to good music!

Whether they be slow or peppy songs, songs with their lyrics and tune, create magic in the ears which then reaches the head and heart and things start seeming not too bad.

May Music Live!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A crazy dancer friend is what we all need

Hello world!

Today, I've decided to start a regime. You know an experiment, a resolution, a habit whatever you call it, not so that people read and I become a famous star but just as a way to meditate and hope to bring a lot more of positivity in my life :)

Oh I didn't even tell what this is about. Silly me :P So, I am going to pen down a good thing in my life for 100 days from here on and let's see where this takes me, us. 

Today is the birthday of a special person, a friend, a soul mate, somebody I stay happy around, somebody who I think knows how to enjoy the present moment (much more than average people), a girl every Raj would love to spend his life with I think - Simran Rana

We became acquaintances, classmates, friends and best friends while studying as Young India Fellows and from then onwards Simran has been there whenever I have needed that ear to listen to my random thoughts, problems and what not. Her crazy dance moves will kill you! Someone around whom I can be my crazy self and whom I will always strive to keep in my life - my crazy crazy friend Simi <3